Partner Organizations

If you’re from a Service Club, Fraternal Organization, Civic Society, or other group we’d love to have your support!

What is Buckeye Boys State?

The American Legion Buckeye Boys State is an eight-day hands-on experience in the operation of government, political parties, and elections. It is hosted at Miami University, where delegates reside in the university residence halls and use university facilities throughout the week.

During their junior year of high school, students interview for the opportunity to attend the following summer. Students are sponsored by local American Legion posts, allowing them to attend at no cost to the student or family.

There are additional opportunities available to students during the week such as a College Fair (represented by 50+ colleges & service academies), various Awards & Scholarships throughout the week, visits from actual Ohio Government elected officials, and more.

How can we get involved?

There are several ways to get involved! Refer quality young people to a local post, help to sponsor attendees, or even consider applying to join the program staff and volunteer your time.

Have questions we didn't answer?

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about Buckeye Boys State. Need help making local connections or just want to pass on the names of qualified students? Contact our Program Coordinator directly through the form linked below!

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