Join us for a sneak peek at an unforgettable experience that will shape your future.
Orientation will cover the “nuts & bolts” of how American Legion Buckeye Boys State operates and what to do between now and your arrival at the Program. Preparing you to jump right in with exploring leadership, governance, and civic engagement in the dynamic, hands-on environment that is Buckeye Boys State!
Find Nearby In-Person Orientations
Virtual Orientation Sessions
Monday, May 5th
8:00 PM
Monday, May 12th
8:00 PM
Thursday, May 15th
8:00 PM
Thursday, May 22nd
8:00 PM
Monday, May 26th
8:00 PM
Thursday, May 29th
8:00 PM
Monday, June 2nd
8:00 PM
Thursday, June 5th
8:00 PM
Orientation FAQs
Find answers to the most common questions about participating in our orientation sessions.
What should I bring to the orientation?
We recommend bringing something to take notes on and something to write with.
How long does each orientation session last?
Each session typically lasts a little over an hour, including a Q&A segment at the end.
Can I attend more than one orientation?
No, every session contains the same information, you are only required to attend one orientation. If you have further questions after orientation, please reach out to us and we will be happy to get back to you with an answer!
Should parents/guardians attend orientation?
While only delegates and alternates are required to attend an orientation, parents and guardians are more than welcome and are encouraged to attend. Parents/Guardians often are interested in different information than the delegates and this is a great opportunity to have any of their questions answered by the staff!
(740) 362-7478
60 Big Run Rd, P.O. Box 8007, Delaware, OH 43015
Know Someone Interested?
It’s not too late! Don’t let them miss the chance to be a part of this year’s American Legion Buckeye Boys State. Encourage them to sign up today, secure their spot, and start shaping their journey that will last a lifetime!
Anyone who has not already applied and is not already a Delegate or an Alternate can apply below