Parent Information

Learn more about the opportunities available to your child and what to expect at the American Legion Buckeye Boys State program.

About Buckeye Boys State

An Ohio education official standing and smiling next two delegates

The American Legion Buckeye Boys State program is an eight-day hands-on experience in personal and leadership development taught through the operation of government, political parties, and elections. It is hosted at Miami University, where delegates reside in the university residence halls and use university facilities throughout the week.

During their junior year of high school, students interview for the opportunity to attend the following summer. Students are sponsored by local American Legion posts, allowing them to attend at no cost to the student or family.



Students selected to attend the program, “delegates”, will interact with other incoming high school seniors from across the State of Ohio. In the first couple of days, they will have completed multiple political caucuses, conducted elections, and will begin operating their own government.

Outside of the day-to-day schedule, there are additional opportunities available to students such as a College Fair (represented by 50+ colleges and service academies), various Awards & Scholarships throughout the week, visits from actual Ohio Government elected officials often including the Governor, and more.

How to become a delegate

Across the state of Ohio, many American Legion posts will be conducting interviews in local high schools to select their delegates to sponsor. These interviews normally happen in the winter/spring time.

Please ask your school administrators, guidance counselors, and/or history teachers if Buckeye Boys State interviews are being conducted at your school.

If there is not a Legion Post interviewing at your local school, let us know on our contact form and we are happy to get in touch.


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We’re excited to help you learn more about the American Legion Buckeye Boys State.

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