Legion Posts

Informational Resources and Program Outline

Learn about what steps to take to help get your Post more involved with American Legion Buckeye Boys State!

post Resources

Need a quick copy of the latest orientation packet or an update on the application procedures for this year?

The Document Library is your one-stop-shop for the latest information on Buckeye Boys State along with promotional materials to 

how to get involved

Four delegates carrying various American, state, and program flags as everyone in the auditorium puts their hand over their heart

Across the state of Ohio, many American Legion posts are already participating in the best Boys State program in the country, with new posts getting more involved each year. 

If you or your post has not participated in the past or if you are looking for ways to get more involved in Buckeye Boys State, you’ve come to the right place! Click Learn More to get started!


have any questions?

We’re excited to help you learn more about the American Legion Buckeye Boys State.

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