A Week to Shape A Lifetime

Virtual Information Sessions

All teachers, parents, administrators, and future delegates are invited to attend a virtual Q&A. Be sure to stop by if you would like a general overview on American Legion Buckeye Boys State and how you can get involved with the program. Todd Gerber, Senior Counselor, will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. We’ll see you there!

Our next session will be held on April 7th from 8-9 PM


All Delegates and Alternates are required to attend an Orientation Session in preparation for the American Legion Buckeye Boys State Program. Parents and Guardians are welcome to attend! A general program overview with an in-depth look at the week will be followed by a Q&A session.

There are many orientation options available, please click the link below to find the option that fits you best!

A Message From American Legion Buckeye Boys State

President of the Board of Trustees, Steve Masowick, discusses leadership and the Boys State experience.
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